
Chemical Groups: Inorganic, Metals

Also Known As:

CASRN: 7440-50-8

Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life


Short Term Concentration (µg/L) No data

Long Term Concentration (µg/L) Equation

The CWQG for copper is related to water hardness (as CaCO3):

When the water hardness is 0 to < 82 mg/L, the CWQG is 2 µg/L

At hardness ≥82 to ≤180 mg/L the CWQG is calculated using this equation (see calculator below)

CWQG (µg/L) = 0.2 * e{0.8545[ln(hardness)]-1.465}

At hardness >180 mg/L, the CWQG is 4 µg/L

If the hardness is unknown, the CWQG is 2 µg/L

The online calculator (below) will return the correct value over the entire range of hardness.


Enter water hardness here:
mg/L CaCO3



Calculated copper guideline:
µg/L Cu



Note: No fact sheet created. For more information on this guideline, please refer to Canadian Water Quality Guidelines (CCREM 1987). Out of convenience, this guideline was presented as a range depending upon the water hardness in earlier versions of CCME (1999). It is now presented as an equation as it originally appears in CCREM (1987).





Date 1987


Short Term Concentration (µg/L) No data

Long Term Concentration (µg/L) No data

Date No data

Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Agriculture


Concentration (µg/L) Variable

= 200 µg/L for cereals = 1000 µg/L for tolerant crops No fact sheet created. For more information on this guideline, please refer to Canadian Water Quality Guidelines (CCREM 1987).

Date 1987


Concentration (µg/L) Variable

= 500 µg/L for sheep, 1000 µg/L for cattle, 5000 µg/L for swine and poultry No fact sheet created. For more information on this guideline, please refer to Canadian Water Quality Guidelines (CCREM 1987). 

Date 1987

Sediment Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life


Concentration (µg/kg dry weight) ISQG 35,700

Guideline % ≤ ISQG ISQG < % < PEL % ≥ PEL
Copper 4 38 44

Concentration (µg/kg dry weight) PEL 197,000

Guideline % ≤ ISQG ISQG < % < PEL % ≥ PEL
Copper 4 38 44

Date 1998


Concentration (µg/kg dry weight) ISQG 18,700

Guideline % ≤ ISQG ISQG < % < PEL % ≥ PEL
Copper 9 22 56

Concentration (µg/kg dry weight) PEL 108,000

Guideline % ≤ ISQG ISQG < % < PEL % ≥ PEL
Copper 9 22 56

Date 1998

Soil Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Environmental and Human Health

Concentration (mg/kg dry weight) Agricultural 63

Data are sufficient and adequate to calculate a Soil Quality Guideline for Human Health (SQGHH) and a Soil Quality Guideline for Environmental health (SQGE). Therefore the soil quality guideline is the lower of the two and represents a fully integrated de novo guideline for this land use, derived in accordance with the soil protocol (CCME 1996;2006). The corresponding interim soil quality criterion (CCME 1991) is superseded by the soil quality guideline.

For guidelines derived prior to 2004, differentiation between soil texture (coarse/fine) is not applicable.

Concentration (mg/kg dry weight) Residential/ parkland 63

Data are sufficient and adequate to calculate a Soil Quality Guideline for Human Health (SQGHH) and a Soil Quality Guideline for Environmental health (SQGE). Therefore the soil quality guideline is the lower of the two and represents a fully integrated de novo guideline for this land use, derived in accordance with the soil protocol (CCME 1996;2006). The corresponding interim soil quality criterion (CCME 1991) is superseded by the soil quality guideline.

For guidelines derived prior to 2004, differentiation between soil texture (coarse/fine) is not applicable.

Concentration (mg/kg dry weight) Commercial 91

Data are sufficient and adequate to calculate a Soil Quality Guideline for Human Health (SQGHH) and a Soil Quality Guideline for Environmental health (SQGE). Therefore the soil quality guideline is the lower of the two and represents a fully integrated de novo guideline for this land use, derived in accordance with the soil protocol (CCME 1996;2006). The corresponding interim soil quality criterion (CCME 1991) is superseded by the soil quality guideline.

For guidelines derived prior to 2004, differentiation between soil texture (coarse/fine) is not applicable.

Concentration (mg/kg dry weight) Industrial 91

Data are sufficient and adequate to calculate a Soil Quality Guideline for Human Health (SQGHH) and a Soil Quality Guideline for Environmental health (SQGE). Therefore the soil quality guideline is the lower of the two and represents a fully integrated de novo guideline for this land use, derived in accordance with the soil protocol (CCME 1996;2006). The corresponding interim soil quality criterion (CCME 1991) is superseded by the soil quality guideline.

For guidelines derived prior to 2004, differentiation between soil texture (coarse/fine) is not applicable.

Date 1999

Tissue Residue Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Widlife Consumer of Aquatic Biota

Concentration (µg/L) No data

Date No data

Groundwater Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Environmental and Human Health

(Coarse Soil) Concentration (mg/L) - Agricultural/Residential No data

(Coarse Soil) Concentration (mg/L) - Commercial/Industrial No data

(Fine Soil) Concentration (mg/L) - Agricultural/Residential No data

(Fine Soil) Concentration (mg/L) - Commercial/Industrial No data

Date No data
